The fact that I've just beaten the game without using a Mega Mushroom against final Bowser on *deline's request shouldn't let me forget that new Super Mario Bros on Nintendo DS is now 5... omg! 7 years old... Much enough to allow level editors to have been created. And I'm really glad that NSMBe works fine on my linux, since it's a mono-friendly Csharp program ^_^. Much easier than running Lunar on Wine.
Cette fois j'ai battu Bowser sans utiliser de Mega Mushroom (interdiction édictée par *deline). Et je réalise tout à coup que "new" Super Mario Bros a ... 7 ans. Bien assez pour que les éditeurs de niveaux aient fleuri, et j'ai même réussi a faire un peu tourner NSMBe un tout petit peu sous Linux. J'avoue que je n'ai pas l'intention de créer mes propres niveaux à NSMB. C'est un exercice qui ne m'a jamais vraiment attiré. Par contre, je suis curieux de voir ce que je peux apprendre sur la structure du jeu.

As you guess, I'm not that interested into crafting alternate levels for nsmb, although thanks to my ds linkers, I could even play the modified ROM on the Real Thing. But I'm deeply curious to discover how the thing was built. As I had expected, many of the special platforms you can walk on are "sprites" (either made of OAM or using 3D hardware ? I still couldn't tell). Obviously, not all level may use all the sprites, but what is interesting is that they have been organised in swappable "banks". You can't have e.g. giant Bowser and Nessie starred in the same level because they both belong to bank 5. But you're free to chose wheter you complement them with Hammer Bros. or Chomp Chomp, with mushrooms or tornados or moving platforms, etc. Spawn points, door/pipe entrance are also managed as "sprites".
Comme on pouvait s'y attendre, un grand nombre de plate-formes sont en réalité des "sprites" (soit avec des OAM, soit avec la couche 3D. Difficile à dire), même celles qui ne sont pas forcément mobiles, mais dont le comportement est suffisamment différent du sol. Les portes, les début de niveaux, les entrées/sorties par des tuyaux, sont eux aussi gérés avec des sprites.
Les sprites sont organisés en "bancs" que l'on peut utiliser ou non dans le niveau, certains bancs en excluant d'autres (pas de bowser et de nessie ensemble: ils sont tous les deux pour le banc n°5, par exemple). Par contre, on pourra les compléter avec des Hammer Bros ou des chomp chomps, comme on préfère.
Coins and blocks belong to the "ground" layer. Even item-providing blocks. I trust that to be made of good old tiles, as there can be only one layer of 3D objects and that sprites already use it... yet it remains to be proved. One reason that make me hesitate is that you edit it in terms of "objects" and not merely by laying out tiles on a grid. Each object can be individually selected, moved along, dropped, resized, etc. It is very efficient, compared to what LEDS currently offer, so I'm not surprised. It leads to funny things such as many different patterns of 'coins' so that you could have vertical, horizontal or dithered coins arrangement with a single 'object'.
Les pièces d'or et les bloc-question font partie de la couche "sol". Idem pour les blocs-à-power-up. Ils sont sans aucun doute fait à partir de bons vieux "tiles". Chose assez inhabituelle, en revanche: on les édite et tant "qu'objets", pas juste en plaçant des pavés sur une grande grille. Chaque objet peut être sélectionné, déplacé, redimensionné individuellement, ce qui s'avère très efficace pour la conception rapide de niveau comparé à ce que LEDS propose. Du coup, on retrouve des éléments assez curieux comme des "pointillés de pièces d'or" qui permettent d'avoir un "damier de pièces d'or en diagonale" avec un seul objet.
Tout ça n'a pas l'air d'être juste un choix de fonctionnement de l'éditeur: les niveaux eux-même contiennent ce genre d'objets: si on clique sur un "bloc" du dessus d'une plate-forme, on sélectionne directement l'entièreté du sommet de la plate-forme. Je présume que c'est une technique pour réduire l'espace sur la cartouche: le contenu en mémoire du niveau sera reconstitué en appliquant des commandes du type "remplir (10,10)-(20,20) avec du sol" puis "remplir (10,9)-(20,9) avec de l'herbe", etc. J'y crois d'autant plus fort quand je vois des motifs "effaceurs" qui n'auraient aucun sens dans un système utilisant des textures et des polygones.
And that doesn't seem to be a mere side-effect of the editor: the level has those objects, truly. If you click on the top edge of a platform that's already part of the design, you select the whole top. I can only imagine that this helps storing levels using less memory. Given that there's a lot of empty space and repetitions in NSMB maps, storing the level as "paint commands" (fill x1,y1 - x2,y2 with object #12) where object12=[start at tile 42, width=3, height=4] is much more compact than storing the whole map, and allows easier edition cycles. That would also explain the presence of "erasors" patterns that wouldn't make any sense if the level was 3D-rendered (afaik). When the level is loaded, the painting list is streamed from the ROM card (unlike previous Nintendo console, the DS doesn't have direct access to game ROM through its bus, iirc), a large chunk of RAM is allocated, and the commands are applied to know what to map on-screen. This in-RAM map would then be dynamically updated as coins are taken, blocks are used and bricks are destroyed... it all make sense.
Alternatively, you could just 'unpack' part of the level by applying a clip mask on the "paint commands", and have a level-sized bitmap for "interactive tiles". Both coins, bricks and blocks are binary (original/used) so you'd mix that information with a paint command and still be able to retrieve the start of the level as the player left it although it wasn't permanently available as a tile map in RAM.
Great tutorial, everything works fine but one thing: the progress paths refuse to work, I put them in from one end of the level to the other but on the DS bottom screen mario doesn't move and keeps blinking. Anyway to fix that?
Well, that wasn't intended to be a tutorial, and unfortunately, I haven't really tried to edit levels seriously nor to run some edited level (neither on emulator nor on real DS), so I don't know how to help.
(actually, the tutorial was on Youtube and the comment was 3 years old. Spamma cleaned.
Oh, dudes! there is a NSMB Editor for NDS!
I made my own level editor for PC that was a clone of Lunar Magic and use it for most projects, since it fits the kind of compression I like to use better and I just prefer levels modeled as objects I can drag around and resize.
Note how SMW has per-*column* of coins memory, rather than per-coin memory.
@wye, and that perfectly fits how the level creates them in batches. I wonder if the same would apply to coin blocks...
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