It boils down to rewards you can offer to a player, and their value. I bet you wouldn't quite feel thankful to the game designer if an alternate route you found by careful exploration led to a mayhem of fireballs, then to a bunch of spikey monster falling from above ... just to discover a "recover health now" item and an exit to level 1-2.
Dans son article sur les chemins alternatifs, Richard Terell nous fait une synthèse des règles qui semblent définir le fonctionnement des chemins alternatifs dans la série Metroïd. 1) les alternatives sont moins fréquentes que les "sorties normales". 2) les alternatives doivent être masquées, et si possible réservées au joueur maîtrisant mieux les mécanismes du jeu. 3) le joueur sur un chemin de traverse doit pouvoir se rendre compte d'où il est par rapport au monde normal. Dans son incarnation ultime, un chemin alternatif peut même se révéler un tel raccourci qu'il évite complètement certaines parties du jeu. Moi, je n'ai encore jamais joué à un métroïd, mais ce dernier élément me fait immédiatement penser à la Star Road de Mario World et à la "technique secrète" de Hero Core qui permet de se frotter au boss final sans avoir affronté aucun des boss intermédiaires!
made it possible.
Le deuxième type de récompense est un contrôle supplémentaire sur le comportement de l'avatar. Il y a les power-ups qui sont nécessaires pour accéder à certaines parties du jeu, et ceux qui conservent vos capacités d'origine, mais en les modulant. Nager mieux, planer en tombant ... plus on touche au coeur du gameplay (la gravité dans un Mario), et plus l'effet est important.
Same heal feature, with modulated effect in time. |
Heal now, Heal later, Heal whenever you want, auto-Heal when truly needed or get additional heal forever. The same function -- healing -- but the more control you have over its timing, the greatest it feels. Sorry for picking SMB3 again, but it offers the same range of effect on level skipping. With its unique "overworld", the player receives many items to skip levels through hammers (enable access to pipes), cloud (fly over a level, but it remains closed, so you're better succeed on the level just after), music boxes (stun Hammer Bros. and skip encounters). Even the traditional "welcome to the warp zone" (which always happens at specific location) is replaced with a warp whistle (warp whenever you're bored with your current game).
SMB3 also offered similar timing control with power-ups. Some are given immediately, other are given as playcards that the player stocks and use before entering levels. nSMB wii used a fairly similar technique. nSMB and SMW had even finer control with the ability for the player to summon one power-up whenever you want -- but just one. Feel like this final bowser battle would be too difficult for you ? Just make sure you stock an Ultra Mushroom before entering the castle.
Other approaches have been tempted by game designers, such as alternative endings, mini-games and such. It is however more dangerous to go that way. An alternative ending needs to be quite carefully crafted so that the players feel rewarded for it. It works fairly well in Cave Story, where saving the character you emotionally engaged with sounds worth the effort. It failed in Commander Keen : Goodbye galaxy, imho, where all your effort in finding and beating the secret level just ends up into a low joke.
I do feel, though, that for a game where mystery is a significant part of the game design, unveiling back-stories could be perceived as a worthy reward. I'd just make sure that those extra material can be "consumed" when the player feels so (i.e. available through the game's main menu) rather than forced as a cut scene.
Oh, make sure you don't miss Sequence breaking post from Richard, btw.
Et pour un jeu mettant l'accent sur l'exploration non-linéaire, des objets tels que cartes, boussoles magiques peuvent être vus comme très précieux. L'autre élément qui mériterait un détour serait un moyen de se téléporter vers un emplacement intéressant. ça peut être un portail magique caché, mais ça peut aussi être un relai de téléporteur à utiliser à installer à sa guise dans le jeu.
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