Saturday, October 19, 2024

On y est !

Enfin ! Un peu de bidouille, un sprite qui doit encore être invisibilisé, mais j'ai enfin les physique voulue pour cette branche rebondissante! Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez, mais moi, je suis plus que satisfait par son mouvement ^_^

Euh ... non, je n'ai pas grand-chose de plus à en dire, en fait... mais bon, ça traine depuis tellement longtemps que je voulais marquer le coup avec un p'tit post qui reprenne l'image. 

Je ne suis pas sûr que ça mérite de ré-uploader un .nds ... je vais plutôt me faire un jus et me mettre au lit. Ciao tutti ;)

Finally ... Finally, I've got my bouncing branch working with the intended "furblock" physics. Almost everything else is said in the previous post, and you also have a download link there to try the physics on the original furblock ... But this has taken so long, I wanted it to have its own post.

edit: there was a little issue left: if you watch the animation closely, you'll note that the branch makes an extra wobble one time, and no such thing on the next time. It wasn't intended at first, but it felt nice when happening, so I made an extra "smaller wobble" animation to use as a transanim in the "throw->idle" transition. But it still had that odd/even behaviour, doing it only every other time. It turned out that when Bilou lands on the branch during a transanim, it did not reset the transanim flag. This is a desirable feature when making transition animations for Bilou mid-air, but not here. there's an extra anim2.force script line I can add to say "this animation (big wobble) may interrupt any ongoing transanim", but its implementation was apparently broken. Should be fixed now.

edit+: OMG. I just stumbled upon the original bouncyBranch.xcf discussed in the first post... timestamp is 24-08-2020 ^^"


gilles said...

convaincant !

PypeBros said...

bon, la phase "soft land" dure 15 à 20 frames selon la vitesse de chute. Il faudra peut-être prévoir une animation où Bilou peut avancer en X quand sa vitesse horizontale est plus élevée, sinon ça fera bizarre