loading, and the like... - [done] separate exit special block from fall-through-door special block,
- [done] stop flashing school background by applying waterfall palette cycling only in the green zone
- [done] adjust bounding boxes ... many bounding boxes.
bbox x y w h
command to align the visuals with the slope ... but it really was almost blind guesses.For some reason, the "box size" bits were ignored, and the "offset" bits were ... well, it will work better with offsets that says "pictures starts 4 pixels on the right in the 16x16 frame. Of course, fixing the size first made most of the offset wrongs until I've got new offsets computed.
Even after one more afternoon of map fixing, there are weird things happening in that school zone level, like
- [todo, not critical] Bilou not always hidden by front layer (e.g. hidden if you jump, but not if you're idle or walk)
- [todo, not critical] Inkjets not moving up and down following rails
Alors, voilà: un joli bouton vert vers une nouvelle démo à essayer chez vous. Bien sûr, ça reste très en chantier et vous trouverez pleins de trucs pas au point, mais au moins, les horreurs ont été éliminées. Rendez-vous en Décembre avec une démo incorporant BangBash ?
Ah, and it's not in the school zone, but [done] that ugly pink background showing up in the green2 level, too... I'd rather have that fixed before uploading a new demo...
edit: There we are: 2 work-in-progress levels can be found if you explore the three rooms properly. There is still much to do, but also much to explore if you've never launched anything earlier than School Rush.

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