I want to get rid of some static pointers in the management of events. The idea turned cleaner as I was flying over Denmark. But the result isn't convincing yet. - you can't jump out of inkjets anymore (event from dpad controller is ignored - apparently because TrackAttached produced an event too -- although it has no corresponding transitions) - you might get pushed away from spongebops when you try to grab them -- weird things still occur here with my best solution for inkjets. - if Bilou starts swimming up, he'll keep swimming up forever -- that's fixed with swapped-priorities - the little stars shining around you when you pick a health bonus keep shining forever. -- seems fixed with swapped-priorities too.
The thing is, when I want to combine the "thoughts" of two controllers, only one events list can survive. And of course, things don't get fixed if I swap the order in which they are produced (unless I swap them properly, that is). Weird things remains with that swapped-priorities, though. Like why don't we play the 'roll-in-the-air' animation anymore when Bilou's direction is changed while jumping ? I'll have to re-activate InspectorWidget and use the combined powers of InspectorWidgets and DDD to find out. By the way, did you know that we could have methods, operators overloading and constructors for unions ?
somewhere, on planet Earth, there's a weird guy named Sylvain (aka. PypeBros) who loves to write programs and draw comics with a blue ball named "bilou". That's me.
If you have a blog that talks about similar stuff, just leave me a comment.
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