- [done] file/directory selection information should get its own space on top-screen
- [done] not only the FILE*, but also the extension name (file type) should be accesible from the L+A launcher button.
- [done] beam-in files in the last directory used for beam-out. [todo] currently, only typing a new mask on the "alphanum keypad" will activate that directory.
- [todo] buttons (SEDS/edit) shouldn't overlap.
- [todo] ensure we can move back to SEDS/LEDS/download mode at all time.
- [done] don't try connecting when there's no sink on a given slot
- allow beam-out to be cancelled.
- [wish] global_connectAP and wfcWindow::autoconnect should belong to WiFi widget.
- [done] IP address and [wish] SSID shown on the top screen once the connection is established.
- [wish] allow .spr files to become autoexec.spr even though they're too large to fit our 256K buffer.
- [todo] spritesheet loaded with L+A in RAM should be able to display their colours, despite the "extra palettes" setup.
- [done] a way to try again the WFC connection settings from the "access point selection" list, as they may contain WEP keys, too.
- [wish] enter WEP key in AP selection list.
- [wish] use Window.active flag if "clicking on other screen's button" is a bug rather than a feature.
- [done] fix the 'unregister XFER' loop bug.
- [done] proper cleanup when 'returning' to beaming activities from a test.
- [todo] avoid InspectorWidget/LoadingWindow interference (active areas not reacting anymore, beam-in offers cluttering the display)
- [done] report hero/ennemy/none class in InspectorWidget.
- [todo] control log display, clear and end-of-test from Inpector widget.
- [think] special InspectorWidget display mode on (breakpoint collision), showing both colliding GOBs' state *before evaluation occurs*, with the ability to step to the next frame (after collision occurs)
- [done] double-check .spr and .xm loading support: no jamming allowed.
- [fix?] how could die() end up showing blank screens (when leaving the running game)?
But at least, it gave me time to sit down and think about what mechanics could nicely complement JUMP in the full-blown adventure game.
post-trauma-edit: I just picked Surt's tileset I used for LEDS release 0.1 with the hope that I could use it to prepare a "tutorial map" and ship LEDS for NeoCompo ... result? I quite certainly screwed'up my school0.map (and will have to recover it from some git) with parts of the tuto map because I hadn't changed *that* filename in "tuto.cmd" ...

on beetle, runme seems unable to enable WiFi !?
6c77eea6d1a267cd5a7ae45734060726 arm9/data/bootstub.bin
f7bfde71a822482a5c788984c7acf3f3 arm9/data/load.bin
no. r1211 built & boots properly.
narrowed down to "1240 broken, 1237 works, even with 1240's wifidget.cpp"
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