Tuesday, April 16, 2013

where to go ?

    L'encrier est presque prêt et l'éponge aussi ... Ne serait-ce pas le moment de laisser les dumbladors de côté et de se concentrer sur un "gameplay" dans la School Zone (à savoir Deep Ink Pit). Parce que peaufinages et expériences mis à part, on peut considérer qu'il n'y a pas eu de "nouveau" jeu impliquant Bilou depuis 2 ans et demi!  Voyons un peu où nous en sommes.
    • [done] We have bumper-like erasers on top of pencils. that means we're ready for inkjets that throws Bilou up.
    • [sketched] adapt Bilou's behaviour so that he's "in" the inkjet when the stomping the inkjet from the top
    • [done] Spongebop moves, it could use extra animations, but it still doesn't act as a platform it will be GRABable, instead.
    • [done] Bilou can recover from being stunned
    • [todo] verso's turnback on walls, track Bilous when in sight.
    • [todo] SpongeBop makes you bop higher and higher.
    • [NEED] fix Bilou/sponge collisions when Bilou stops grabbing a spongebop (InspectorWidget upgrade to set breakpoint on hero-driven collisions could be needed).
    • [think] land-when-falling and bop-when-pressing the button on contact ? Is that any possible ?
    • [d.i.p] recover from being hurt mid-air. 
    • [wish, n&b] stand on stunned bladors. Don't bounce.
    • [r1158] is there something wrong with jumping to the right ?
    • Bonuses ? providing an offset within block-anims for simple bouncing animations ?
      • [think, done] How do we make Bilou appear through the glass when inside an inkjet ? 
      • [wish] Bilou should be slower when walking up slopes (it's already faster when walking down, as it's moving at sqrt(2)*v). Can we use a negative "postponed move" to avoid messing up with speeds in such a way that speed drifts towards 0 ?
      • [done] Find a way to investigate the "stuck-in-walls" bugs with Inspector Widget.
        • when jumping along a left wall, coordinate displayed in IW is suddenly reduced by 2 pixels, and when Bilou lands, he's slightly on the left.
        • at that point, trying to turn back to the right make it move one more pixel to the left, and he's definitely stuck.

      What is still missing for deep-ink-pit 0.1 release ? Apple Assault is now roughly 2.5 year old, and it would be nice if I could present something with a goal and ways to win/lose the game for the summer coding competitions, so maybe it's time to fork out of "SchoolTest.nds" and focus on the features involved in Deep Ink Pit instead... bladors (and pendats ?) would return in Nuts'n'Bolts...

      On the other hand, we're so close to a running demo of "School Zone level 1", which never was possible in the BASIC version, that it almost sounds like a crime not to push the effort up to that level.

      En même temps, on est tellement proche de la possibilité de jouer enfin au niveau 1 de la School Zone que ce serait presque criminel de ne pas pousser une peu plus loin dans cette voie-là.

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