Friday, September 20, 2019

Sloppy Mouse vs. Windows 10

Huuuge thanks to winaero blog author! I can now have the desired mouse behaviour on my freshly-installed Windows 10!

Having the focus follow the mouse rather than having to click to focus windows is already hidden enough in Windows ('Make the mouse easier to use' in the 'old Control Panel), but not raising windows when you hover them while still giving them the focus is completely arcane wizardregistry: we'll have to locate UserPreferencesMask under  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop, and then clear bit 0x40 in the first bytes of that binary blob.

Miles away from the convenience and flexibility of enlightenment (see picture), but at least it exists now.

I cannot blame my colleagues for finding the resulting behaviour weird. But it's definitely more comfortable for me.

rongtudju! 'make the mouse easier' is under 'ease of use' only, and won't show up if you search 'mouse' over the whole control panel.
rongtudjuu! bit 0x40 is of course set only when you turn on ease-of-use. If you couldn't perform step 1, step 2 is pointless.
rongtudjuuu! the first part takes effect immediately. The second part will require a logoff/logon cycle at least.

 - - -

That was for the nice part. Unfortunately, despite they have had 20 years to improve their operating system, they still manage to suck. Sometimes for trivial things, sometimes for much more important things.
- How do I customize colors in Windows 10 ? You cannot. You may switch between white-on-black or black-or-white. And that's it. You're uncomfortable with large, white areas because you're an IT professional and would prefer black-on-lightgrey instead ? too bad. You could use some tints on the idle-window-bars because white title bars over white windows backgrounds just feels like hide-and-seek ? too bad.
- You would like to keep using your previous virtualization solution rather than going for an unknown Hyper-V service ? Good luck. If you remember trying to install another browser than Internet Explorer at the edge of the millenium, welcome back. In case you wonder why I'm unhappy with hyper-v,
  - it has no video card / audio card support : everything will go through the Remote Desktop Protocol
  - it sucks dealing with SHIFT+< or ALTGR+$ to produce symbols we use a lot in programming
  - it steals some key combos like CTRL+ALT+UP which I've been using for ages to control my window manager.

Even the 'windows menu' is trying to drive me mad. Hit the windows-key then type a word and you'll be allowed to search for that word in all the programs / configuration items / whatever. That part is good. Click the icon and there's a random (?) chance that typing will have no effect. I mean not at all. Even hitting the ESC key no longer closes the menu!

More substantially, that O.S. is still unable to write a new file when a process is using it, of course.

Edit: hopefully,  following + (now that my PC has a repaired .Net 3.5 framework) let me run a virtualbox VM again. Hope I'll get rid of those hyper-v horrors ASAP.


Prunelle said...

don't miss scroll bar and grab-a(lt)nywhere, too!

PypeBros said...

still works in Windows 11 ... make sure you indeed invoke "control panel" and not "settings"