Wednesday, August 26, 2015
J'ai tenté le "straight throw"
Une impulsion de départ un rien différente, et je me rapproche du "lancer horizontal", dernier élément style "power-up" auquel je pensais pour School Rush. Mais ça ne marche pas. Vérifiez vous-même. Ok, on a fortement élargi la portée du dumblador lancé (la zone où sa courbe croise la hitbox des ennemis), mais le même lancé pour SpongeBop donne quelque-chose de complétement inutilisable.
I tried giving thrown bladors more range ... something towards "straight throw", but it is quite a failure. it works fine when used as weapon, but all the other throw-related actions (floating spongebops, bladors turned into platforms) become impossible to use due to the difficulty to guess where things will land -- and whether you'll be able to reach the "platform" you created.
C'est qu'il ne suffit pas de lancer Spongebop pour flotter sur l'encre: encore faut-il être capable de sauter jusque là. Et assez rapidement, ça cesse d'être possible à moins de faire un saut couru parfait. J'ai tenté de donner aux deux une trajectoire distincte, mais le résultat n'est vraiment pas convaincant.
I had plans to have Straight Throw available as soon as you collect a BigPunch power-up. Your punch power has increased, so you throw faster. But that makes the elementary "regular throw" harder to master because you'll have to learn two curves rather than just one. The solution for making them both available when BigPunch is collected is quite obvious: have Straight Throw activated by charging your throw. But I precisely noted that I didn't want to introduce another mechanic in School Rush. Maybe holding the button down to charge would work correctly in this game ?

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