I've been crawling on the dark side of hobby game development lately. Dark because it mostly involved too much hex numbers and too little pixels to feed enjoyment while doing it. Dark because it implied admitting that I have not been paying enough attention to things like "whether unit test still pass" and "whether it might be the right time to merge that into default". Things that make the difference between coding and coding as a job. Now I have to repay that attention debt, right after the buggy-tool debt and even before I can look at that memory leakage debt. Given how long it took, how little motivation I had to do it more than 1h per day, I wonder whether I shouldn't have opted for something less useful but more enjoyable first...
Anyway, I went on with cherry-picking bits of the 'newmap' branch that ought to have been on independent branches and merged into default long ago until I finally identified the fix that stabilizes on what pages animations are actually loaded.
Y'a les jours où le développement de jeux, c'est fun. Puis il y a les jours où le programme supposé anticiper les défauts du moteur de jeu vous crache de l'hexadécimal à la figure. Tout ça parce que j'avais espéré pouvoir remonter dans le temps avant la décision "allez, on va faire évoluer le moteur de jeu pour qu'il puisse supporter plus de pentes, plus de types de sol et encore plus de folies!" ... parce que je n'avais pas pris la peine de vérifier que la modification juste avant ("allez, on va autoriser la fuuusiooon de fichiers graphiques au moment du chargement pour permettre d'avoir un monde 2") ne cassait rien de ces fameux tests automatiques.
Et encore: l'hexadécimal, il a presque fallu aller le chercher dans les boyaux de la bête qui se contentait sinon de nous roter un "transition sur fin d'animation en boucle". Eh oui. Et j'avais beau reprendre les fichiers dans mon éditeur, vérifier à coup de MD5 que j'utilisais les bons, vérifier l'état du GobTransition dans le débuggeur, rien ne parvenait à expliquer comment l'animation d'inkjet se retrouvait tout à coup avec une boucle.
I have small scribbled characters and notes about it all over my yearly notebook, but I thought it might be worth another "big picture" sketch page to summarize all the things I had forgotten about my own code and re-discovered while working on this specific bug.

Like how you can load two files in the sprdo
helper tool to see which animation #543 truly is ... I should have remembered that earlier on. As soon as I noticed that the the commands I could see in the debugger were not matching what they should (they were ending with a 'LOOP' command, just to start with. I tried comparing them with the line above, the room above, but I should really have just compared them with the next page ^^". Then I've been distracted by that "meds+4" extra token on some files, but it was just a hint for Level Editor. I guess that would have been obvious if I had refreshed memories of "world 2" by reading my own blog posts again. But for some reason, I only thought about that tag now, when blogging about how I eventually figured out that I was missing some fix written long ago, but not merged on "default" ^^".
Au final, ce que j'aurais du faire, c'est comparer cette animation incompréhensible à celle se trouvant au même emplacement, mais sur la page *suivante* dans mon fichier school.spr ... parce qu'il me manquait sur la branche que je cherchais à corriger un malheureux patch corrigeant un décalage d'une position au moment d'enregistrer les animations du fichier supplémentaire à côté du fichier de base :P