Now, I'm ready to resume checking whether my mode-switching code is worth a push.
Bien ... il suffisait donc d'ajouter --load-type=1
sur la ligne de commande pour pouvoir utiliser l'émulation de carte mémoire avec desmume. Je suppose que j'aurais dû pouvoir le trouver sans faire de back-tracking à partir d'un émulateur en train de planter, mais c'est mon côté guru: plus à l'aise dans les sources que dans la doc.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Tags: desmume, dldi, guru meditation
Monday, February 27, 2017
Au fond des pyramides ...
J'ai enfin un deuxième élément pour meubler la "pyramide infinie", prochaine idée de jeu que je voudrais utiliser pour Bilou. Une sorte de mélange entre les blocs-l'hermite de Toki Tori 2 et les crabes de Donkey Kong Returns...
Tags: desert zone, maze, monster design, pyramid, random
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Si on relookait la Green Zone
Il y a la raison du jeu: sans les 6 mondes qui suivent, la green zone n'offre pas, à mon avis, un challenge intéressant. On pourrait se promener dedans,oui. On pourrait y assommer des pommes et y chercher des vies, mais quel intérêt si il y a de toutes façons suffisamment de vies pour terminer les niveaux sans ça ?
I must not put it on hold for too long, though. J.l.n just turned 4 years old and he starting to have the basic skills to jump over pipes and stomp goombas...
Sunday, February 05, 2017
class LayersConfig
All my DS tools share the same "GUI engine", but all somehow have custom requirement on what the hardware compositing engine -- the "layers" system -- should do.
Yet, so far, they do that by peek/poke-like custom lines of code hacking into the video registers of the Nintendo DS. Because the hardware is so elegant, I had no real appeal to hide it between an abstraction layer, but now I run into issues where console can't be read anymore.
So let's try to make it more structured. Capturing all code that access the layers control register into one class would be nice. I think that class -- let it be "LayersConfig" -- could be associated with *Windows classes that define the different "modes" of the application. Switching between the drawing-on-grid and the Palette-edition of the Sprite Editor implies changing the active window. Same for swapping between files picking and map editing of LEDS or swapping between downloads and playtesting in RunME.
I think I should stop trying to optimize which character is updated on such window switches and consider that there should be a clearscreen followed by a full repaint, if that's not yet the case. That could make Window::clearscreen an interesting place to do tricks like letting only some part of the console show through, for instance.