Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Screen Template

Congrats to Bigs and his "xmas dash" (a clone of Boulder Dash) who wins the xmas compo at Drunken Coder. I haven't got the time to check the game so far, but i've been visiting his homepage nonetheless, and i found an interesting document he wrote up: a sketch of VRAM usage for his program.


that's something i'm always missing when i'm to introduce new items in a game or new widgets in my GuiEngine for DS. So i decided to take the lunch time today to write myself a "template" of such document that one can happily print, fill and keep along for deving. In addition to Bigs' scheme, i added various information i always wish i had at hand when i'm doing that kind of low-level VRAM programming, such as how much memory each bank has, and what it can do.

If you prefer to have an editable version, feel free to grab the XLS (office 97) or the SXC (open office 1.1) file instead of the PDF.

Bravo à Bigs pour son "XMAS Dash" (un clone de Boulder Dash) qui remporte le concours de Drunken Coders. Honte sur moi-même: je n'ai pas encore testé le jeu, mais je suis passé voir sa page web, et j'y ai trouvé un chouette document où il esquisse l'occupation de la VRAM par son programme. Sympa.

En fait, c'est quelque-chose qui me manque chaque fois que je veux introduire des nouveaux éléments dans mes embryons de jeu ou dans le GuiEngine utilisé par SpriteEditorDS. Du coup, j'ai décidé de prendre le temps de midi pour me faire un 'modèle' à remplir et conserver comme référence pour la programmation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice to this table have been useful to somebody.