Saturday, December 31, 2005

scripts (t.a.g.)

Amazing. You've been scrolling through the whole set of 'scripting' posts. I bet you have realised that these are posts about automating things using some scripting language, like Perl, bash or tcsh (yes, I've taught myself python fairly late).

If you know my pet project enough, you've noticed we aren't at all speaking of scripting game logic with LUA or my own GobScript, right ?

J'y crois pas ... vous vous êtes vraiment farcis tous mes posts sur les langages de scripting !? Vous aurez remarqué, du coup, qu'il s'agissait des langages pour automatiser des tâches sur PC, comme du PERL, du bash ou même un peu de TCSH dans les posts plus anciens. Pas du tout de mon propre langage de description des machines d'états 'GobScript', hein ;)

Oh, and yeah, there's also a tag dedicated to those scripts that manipulate .spr files to extract/merge/twist spritesheets and animations. That's sprtools. This category is for more general-purpose scripts.

I've been doing more bash only over my 'embeddever' years, and I could use more defensive bashes tips if I'm to do that again.

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