Bion, ajouter des sprites dans tous les sens, c'est sympa. Continuer à avoir des sprites dans le 2eme niveau, c'est mieux. L'ennui, c'est que le GuiEngine
, comme son nom l'indique, a été au départ conçu pour gérer des interfaces graphiques (SEDS et LEDS), et pas des jeux, ce qui signifie qu'il n'y a pas la possibilité à ce niveau de libérer des sprites -- ou plus précisément, les OAM, c.à.d. les zones en mémoire vidéo qui décrivent l'emplacement et les propriétés des sprites. Qu'à celà ne tienne: m'inspirant du "stack allocator" pour 6502 du projet XeO³, je rajoute une petite surcouche ...
is the only way to inform the GuiEngine of how much sprites it should sync to the DS video memory ... As the level is reset, that number is reset to 0, but since all the Gobs of the level have just been "pushed" in the oamstack ... well ... Engine::allocate()
is never called and thus no sprite show up ... at all. Trivial to fix, but reminds me that you should always think twice when you alter the behaviour of something ... And that was a nice occasion to mention Dailly, Kekule & Russel's work on XeO3 : the Ultimate shoot'm'up for Commodore Plus/4 (which has some armalyte taste, if you ask me) and how this code gets inspiration from the 6502 "stack allocator" for bullets in that game.
u8 oamstack[128]
because there is at most 128 OAMs per screen and that the game is only on one screen. I can't think of another allocation scheme that would save me more and don't disturb run-time operations. I'd love to extend the mechanism to GameObject
structure themselves (which have higher allocation overhead)edit++: funny, they seem to use the same kind of "script-encoded-into-asm-constants" approach than I used in 2000 for Out'm'UP :).
DMA Design ? la branche de Psygnosis qui faisait Lemmings non ?
ceux-là même ;)
Do you know obstacks? Sounds like it would be useful for you !
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