If you have tried the last demo, you most certainly noted that there are only 2 soundtracks for 3 rooms. And moreover, that there is a different set of sound effects depending on the room you're in. This is a drawback of the current sound engine, where everything is in one data file: main in-game tune, side tunes for menu and such, single-pattern for level clear, mini-patterns for 1-UPs and notable pick-ups, samples to play them all and samples to be used as standalone sound effects.
Bon, un des gros morceaux de programmation qu'il me reste à faire sur le moteur de jeu, c'est de faire en sorte qu'on puisse plus librement passer d'une musique à l'autre. Pas charger une autre musique en changeant de monde, ça c'est déjà fait. Non. Je veux dire décider que "string tracking" n'est pas la musique idéale pour la green zone et que "4U2" donnera mieux. Ou "little flower on the grass". Pour l'instant, ça pose un soucis parce que les fichiers musique contiennent aussi la palette sonore pour les différents personnages. Je voudrais donc pouvoir faire avec les samples et autres patterns ce que j'ai fait avec les images : charger un deuxième jeu de sons par-dessus la musique destinée au monde. ça fait un moment que ça me trotte en tête.
Et cette semaine, j'ai pu passer un premier cap: importer les samples. ça a l'air de marcher, mais ne nous leurrons pas: vu le type de programmation auquel on a affaire, il faudra rajouter quelques tests automatiques sous scruteur de mémoire pour garantir qu'on n'a pas ajouté une bombe à retardement dans le jeu. Et il y aura une repasse pour mettre ça au net avec des classes une fois que j'aurai validé le concept, parce que pour l'instant, ça part dans tous les sens, aucune des classes du moteur de jeu n'ayant été prévues pour ça.
So among the objectives I sketched in my 2024 notebook, there was some ideas to overlay .xm files the way I overlay .spr files... Or rather the other way'round. Here the generic "bilou.xm" containing mostly sound effects would see its samples and patterns imported over the world-specific song.
#ndsdev status last night: I could allow 2 instances of NTXM::Song to exist together.
#ndsdev status tonight: I can import instruments from one NTXM::Song so that different environment can share some sound effects.
little step for #gamedev, giant leap for game #MadeWithMyEngine.
I admit it might sound weird to add the common part over the world-custom part. After all video does the opposite. The reason here is that odds of adding common sounds over the course of the development feels higher than odds of adding new samples to an existing song. It shouldn't be too hard to tell my brother that patterns 50-60 should be kept free for sound effects, same for samples 50+, no matter what song we're using than to remap all samples of the per-world-songs to other slots because we've got one extra ooch-that-is-electric sample added in the shared bilou.xm
But yeah, I still make sure that bilou.xm is only loaded once, when the game initializes, and we don't pay extra wait time for overlaying it from the SD card. Instead, samples and patterns from the shared song got "borrowed" from the shared song and marked as such so that they aren't freed when we swap songs. Did I mention I read a bit about RUST programming language earlier this week ;) ?
edit: now also imports mini-pattern ^_^edit: tried new songs ... some things worked, but some things look broken
edit: ow. turns out when you encounter pattern break on a mini-pattern, only the channel with the break command is discarded ^^". Seems like it was only a matter of luck that SchoolRush did work fine, and possibly explain why playing / leaving it idle long enough started producing super-fast trash sounds. Now, you'd have hard time dumping the ROM with that ... not as "easy" as with a runaway audio channel on a GBA.
edit: fixed
#MadeWithMyEngine ... Love that hashtag!!! X-D
@Tommy: I hope one day it will be famous ^_^
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