Sunday, December 13, 2009

Go Create !

Finalement, la DS ressemble terriblement à ces micro-ordinateurs 8bit de mon enfance, où un jeu était écrit en 1/2 journée, sans se prendre la tête. Les graphismes symboliques n'ont rien perdu de leur charme, ni les petits sons blip-blops de leur éclat.

Alors les gars, "go create!"

Laissez donc tomber le repompage de sprites, les RPG online trop ambitieux et compagnie. Faites simple, mais faites marcher votre imagination, comme l'ami Jayenkai.

By many ways, the Nintendo DS looks very much like these 8-bit microcomputers of my childhood. Back then, you could write a game on a single wednesday afternoon (and use a whole week-end to make it work properly :) You don't need to be a top-artist if you embrace symbolic graphisms. You just need good taste and creativity. So go ahead ! forget your FPS and MMORPG. Think small, but CREATE. You don't need sprites ripped from some commercial production. Be more than a fan: be yourself.


Jayenkai said...


That quote looks a bit like something I'd've written, but I honestly can't remember writing that!
Maybe I was half asleep at the time!

It's a very true sentiment, though. Keep it simple, don't overdo it, and just get the thing done!

Hello, by the way!

cyborgjeff said...

ca m'inspire assez bien ça comme jeu... c'est vrai que je trouve que les petites productions sympa homebrew ne fleurissent pas tant que je l'espérait sur DS.

un petit lien ?

PypeBros said...

Thanks for stopping here, Jayenkai. Receive my best hopes and wishes for continuation. And sincerely, I hope your exemple will wake up more minds.

Jayenkai said...

Btw, there's a 3DS Homebrew sequel!

The Archive said...

was once featured on ...