Monday, September 21, 2009

curseur de copie pour LEDS

There isn't much to show (yet) about the new modifications of LEDS and its (disappeared) user interface. I'm still under the process of revising the GuiEngine's internals, adding a "transient window" flag here, a GUI_ANYKEY event there, analysing the codeflow so that i can intercept keystroke in the proper widget, etc.
But altogether, it slowly brings a revised level editor with "improved" features. The most interesting one being the (so) long awaited "block copy" mode. Note that it isn't quite the kind of "block copy" you might expect, but rather an adaptation of the "copy cursor" from CPC basic that Pierrick loved so much: you L-click on a tile from an object you want to copy, and then you click and draw from another location to reproduce the object at the source. Pretty useful.

Je progresse sur l'éditeur de niveau, même s'il n'y a pas encore grand-chose à montrer. C'est l'inconvénient de l'approche "interface utilisateur absente" où j'utilise au maximum les boutons de la DS comme contrôles. Pourtant, en interne, ça se transforme pas mal dans le code du GuiEngine, notamment pour introduire les fenêtres "temporaires" capables de disparaître dès qu'on relâche la touche qui les a invoquées, etc.
Mais la nouveauté de ce soir, c'est la copie de blocs sur la map, inspirée largement du "curseur de copie" du CPC qui plaisait tant à Pierrick.

vous voulez essayer ? téléchargez le petit 'pack' combinant la version actuelle de l'éditeur, le niveau 1 de Bilou et ses tiles tous prêts au travail...

  • L+dpad = move around the map
  • "draw mode" : L+click = grab tile, click = paint tile, dpad = select another block from the tileset
  • "copy mode" : L+click = define the source, click & move = copy from the initial click position the source image
  • select = toggle between bg and fg edition
  • B = toggle blocksize (8x8 or 16x16)
  • L = toggle between "draw mode" and "copy mode"
This is a debugging demo, so (unfortunately), you can't save your edits right now and you cannot edit anything else but the embedded map with the embedded tiles. A fully-featured application with external files selection from the map is of course planned as soon as those widgets update are done.

todo: allow tiletable as source for copies.

1 comment:

Mario Nesrocks said...

Is that like the stamp tool in photoshop but tiled from a rectangular source instead of untiled from a point source? Sounds really cool.