Tuesday, May 02, 2023

A bit of shadow

Once upon a tweet, was a blog post about making dsgametools widget more readable and nice to use by adding a shadow to the default font. It was the youngest of the Todo family and its sibling would often make fun of it because it had the lowest possible priority for the project.

But then, on an idle day were the coder so tired he couldn't read a screen, though he had the Todo category open on his boox. "Well, why not" he thought, and he let our little Thumby Todo post jump over a blank page of his notebook.

It started sketching one letter, with its right and bottom empty lines of pixels, and split it in 3: Darkness, where light normally never comes; Highlights, where light might strike harder. And it turns out that if Highlights were to fall and the darkness picked up its power, then the letter would look all flat. And then the color that never changes, regardless of whether Highlights or Darkness is winning.

Bon, quelque part entre 2 scorpions, j'ai eu envie de creuser un peu cette histoire d'ombre pour les caractères dans les outils DS. Le mockup donne tellement mieux que mes captures d'écran ... en plus, ça se prête à merveille à un peu de programmation sur papier. Un petit schéma d'abord... puis quelques routines comme à l'époque du cours d'algo. Et puis j'ai fini par me rendre compte que chaque fois que je passais devant cette page-là dans mon livre-ordinateur cahier-agenda, ça réchauffait un peu mon coeur de codeur de penser qu'un jour, peut-être, j'aurais le temps d'essayer ça.

Very well, thought the coder, but I do not feel like hand-painting every 128 characters of the default font. Can we find a simple set of rules that, given a regular 1-bit-per-pixel font would deduce the 2-bit-per pixel font with highlights ? Yes, of course. And that's a perfect fit for bringing back paper coding.

Well, as usual, it then took a good deal of checks and debugging to find where that code should actually be invoked, what prevents it from working and so on. 

Et puis zut. On est dans un projet perso pour le plaisir, pas dans un projet-pro pour le client, donc au diables le Canban, les priorités, les milestones et tout ça. hg branch et voyons ce que ça donne... eh bien, ça donne bien. J'adore. Juste un hic: ça verrouille presque 40 couleurs de la palette utilisée par SEDS. Ou plutôt, dès qu'on charge un .spr qui utilise plus de 216 couleurs, l'effet est ruiné par un texte qui devient illisible. Parce que oui, j'utilise les palettes étendues de la NDS pour le moteur de jeu et pour presque toute l'interface graphique sauf pour le texte et ... pour le widget "palette" :-P

But there it is. Working. And even on emulator, the feel of it is just wonderful. And all it takes is some NES-glory palette swapping, where the text is moved from the 'interactive' palette with black shadow to the 'active' palette where 'shadow' is actually white and highlight has background color, as if the text had been pushed down by one pixel. Unfortunately, there's a price to pay: instead of 4 system colors, I need 40 of them (2 x 16-color palette + 4 on the 3rd palette). And so far, in SEDS, that means we can only use 216 colors instead of 250.

edit: but there is hope: SEDS is currently *not* using the multi-palettes mode (unlike LEDS) It likely wouldn't suffer from some extra system colors if it did. Converting AnimEDS sounds less appealing, because that has all its interactive windows on the 'main' screen rather than on sub-screen like older tools ^^"

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