Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Back to the 3 Rooms ... hopefully.


Most of what had been identified as faulty early this summer is now fixed. Even the mysterious way Bilou flickered while running has been understood (something cleared the VRAM slot of one of the head's sprites) and fixed (animation was using the wrong page). It's been quite time-consuming but at least it is done. It's time I start doing some [todo] pixel art to make proper 'doors' in each environment and [done] craft the kind of rooms I actually need for my 3-rooms milestone.

But see, I've taken almost 1 hour editing that and commenting about it. So I've captured my description of the milestone in my notebook because it's much easier to take it and focus a bit on what I'm going to do next than it is with a blog. 

Anyway. Let's have all tools and runMe rebuilt. Let's have them installed on the cube so that I can use the latest build on the Real Thing before I start messing up with the maps and spritesets.

Many of the 'todo' items for last year had nothing more 'to do' on them.

In the milestone, each room had two doors, so it could communicate with both alternate world. [todo] the engine needs to be able to remember which world we come from and spawn Bilou at either left or right door based on that information. That requires at least an engine upgrade.

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this is the right place for quickstuff