Convaincus ?
I was quite confuse on where to start working on the compound anim support, so I just started by depicting the current situation into an UML blueprint, trying to precise which are the different phases of SimpleGob::play, which member variables where involved when, and where in the class hierarchy they stand. Part of my indecision came from the fact that the abstract class
is designed to capture what controllers use, so I wasn't quite tempted to push up the state management there.And to my suprise, that alone suffice to show me the right path to take: introduce a CommonGob class that capture what's not-in-GameObject but should be in all the technical variation of the animated objects.
Bon, première tâche dans cette branche, donc, c'est de refaire un peu l'état des lieux. Une animation composée, ça change essentiellement l'animation des GOBs, mais l'état, les contrôleurs, les collisions, tout ça reste identique. Ouais, sauf que jusqu'ici, tout ça est uniquement dans SimpleGob.
Une fois tout à plat sur ce joli "bluescreen" (excusez ma nostalgie d'ex-codeur en QuickBasic), la solution devient évidente: introduire une classe "CommonGob" qui regroupe tout ce dont SimpleGob et CompoundGob auront besoin dans leur fonctions "play" sans toucher au GameObject héréditaire endogène ... ce qui fera sans doute plaisir à BlockArea, accessoirement.
If you don't get a word of UML then ... well ... I guess the sketched-up version of a former, similar reflexion might help you to figure out what is this CompoundGob stuff all about.
AnimShowM widget in AnimEDS directly reads a vector of unsigned through iAnimHolder decoding helpers.
ReplyDeleteWhen a new frame is defined for one of the components, fill_anim_thumbs_32 is used to move the data ... that's essentially because each "member" has designated VRAM and because we also need sprite VRAM for the spritetable, the animation preview, the limbstable, etc.
When a new position is defined, update_oam_coords() is invoked, which directly manipulates Engine::sprites[].