Thursday, September 22, 2011

deep ink pit mockup tout moche

-> pixelation threadJ'essaie de rendre "deep ink pit" un peu plus concret, mais j'ai du mal avec ce classeur qui ne veut pas sortir de mon stylet >_< Je devrais peut-être essayer de travailler avec une autre couleur que le violet. Les Bop'Eponges donnent pas encore trop mal pour quelque-chose de bricolé en 2 minutes dans Gimp. Par contre, l'encre, clairement, il faudra que je me documente pour avoir quelque-chose de décent. Comme quoi, quand je disais que je n'ai pas encore ce qu'il faut au niveau graphismes, je ne vous racontais pas de bobards.

Well, you may remember that poll where you had to vote for different game designs. Deep ink pit was then first presented. A kind of "tower climbing" game where you'd hop from spongebop to spongebop and try to get high enough to convince the Inkjet Master that you're the hero and that he should help you on your quest. I think that will be my next mini-game, featuring 'BN chocolate' soundtrack from my brother. Unfortunately, I'm not much more advanced related to the graphics that I was initially. At least, since I've made a game with the green zone graphics, I'm now free to craft some more graphics. Let's hope it will improve soon, because this seminal mock-up looks ugly to my eye.

edit: dans la cité des images de Rayman, seuls les contours de l'encre sont colorés. Enfin, quand je dis colorés, c'est plutôt un reflet blanc qu'une coloration.


  1. baah, c'est bien les couleurs de classeurs :) ... c'est plutot le trou aux bords métallisés qui n'est pas terrible..

    l'encre effectivement, tout est à faire ;)

  2. oui, c'est bien des couleurs de classeurs, mais ce sont des couleurs difficiles à manipuler. Bref, j'ai redessiné un "vrai" classeur dans SEDS, en vert, cette fois, et ça donne ça. Mieux, je trouve.

  3. Just out of curiosity, is there something I'm missing about the sponges? they seem kind of out of place in a book/ink-themed zone, and they don't really fit visually either; compared with your other elements, they look kind of rough and unfinished. The bindings on the books also look a bit unusual. They're quite thick, and seem to extend over the pages.
    I actually kinda like the look of the sea of ink as you have it now. It's definitely worth experimenting with larger waves, but these do a pretty good job of conveying the look simply and effectively.
    One thing that might be fun (or you might already be doing) would be to have bookends occasionally appear in the walls. That could add a bit of texture and diversity as well.
    Anyway, crits aside, I really do like the way this is going.


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