Thursday, February 18, 2010

Todo ... later

Time to compile a list of "pending issues" that I'd like to see resolved to progress in my projects. Only then I can actually start adding support for vines, moving platforms, conveyers or whatever else fancy stuff "Bilou Mining" could use.
  • [testing ...] stand and land on slopes
  • [done] fix vertical scrolling issues (cf. Morukutsu comment)
  • [done] a "pause" action that dumps GOB state and stops the game engine so that I can proceed with collision debugging.
  • [done] properly stomp applemen (woodworms seems ok in gedsdemo)
  • [thinking ...] load any background music from the gamescript
  • [done] require a press on a button to trigger a jump.
  • improve berrybat's behaviour
  • [wish] animXX mirror animYY to ease coding of .cmd files.
  • [done] explicitly export states from monsterxxx.cmd into levelxxx.cmd
  • [done] (refactory) give monsterxxx.cmd its own namespace for animations.
  • [done](refactory) 'on event ...' transitions bound to micro-controllers and 'on fail' transitions to testpoints, the same way 'on hit/found' are bound to test/area statements.
  • [done] (refactory) stateXX..YY->stateZZ on event [...] (...) to allow a transition from multiple input states.
  • (wish) a "media manager" to avoid redundant loading of maps, spritesheets, modules, ...
  • [done] (bugfix) make sure all OAMs are disabled when a new level starts.
  • [done, afaik] (leds, bugfix) newly cloned monsters should be playable too.
  • [done] (gfx) draw collectible nuts&bolts
  • [done] (gfx) a separate frame when Bilou gets hit.
  • [done] (leds) "play" button that saves the current .cmd file as "autoexec.cmd"
  • [done] (blog) widen the view, update heading banner
  • [thinking ...] blocks that fall/disappear after Bilou walked them (incl. gfx).
  • (leds, bugfix) You might have several times the same gobno allocated ??
  • (leds, bugfix) Cursor for block-picking doesn't work properly ??
  • (seds) more "storage areas" : tileset, sprites, anims, sketches
  • get the garbage out of the kitchen tonight

Bon, bin y'a du boulot! Entre les bugs dans les la maturation des fonctions expérimentales de LEDS, les graphismes à rajouter, les commentaires de Morukutsu sur la jouabilité, les difficultés pour le debugging des collisions Bilou-Appleman (les applemen étant invulnérables de temps en temps sans que ça ne soit prévu) et le "refactoring" nécessaire pour pouvoir continuer à gérer plus de monstres correctement ... Alors seulement on pourra commencer à penser à des plate-formes mobiles ou des tapis roulants.


  1. Enfin un "élargissement" de ce blog. Le nouveau banner est encore expérimental: il faudra que je le retravaille pour tenir compte des remarques de Gédéon.

  2. Lier les transitions "FAIL" à un test-point précis m'empècherait de décrire des transitions FAIL qui dépendent d'une combinaison de valeurs sur les test-points. Retiré de "l'ordre du jour", du coup.


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