Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Studying goat/sheep designs

Mountains without goat/sheeps-like creature would feel empty, wouldn't it ? For so long, I've been having chibi-oneechan's painting as my wallpaper, hoping that it would eventually inspire me some creature to populate my 'peaks zone'. The simple-shape had something appealing. Maybe using a square-like goat rather than a bubble-like sheep ?

But it didn't went much further. (it will take until the new year's eve until I finally find what role it could be playing in level design)

Voilà des années que je cherche un design intéressant pour mettre des poilus à cornes dans mes montagnes. Probablement depuis que je suis tombé en admiration devant la "peinture" de Chibi-oneechan qui me sert de fond d'écran sur "mon" laptop depuis au moins 2019.

Mais voilà, essayer de reprendre sans copier au point de passer d'un mouton rond par un bouc carré, ça ne suffit pas pour faire un personnage intéressant. Encore moins sachant que je suis toujours bloqué à essayer de donner des couleurs au 'napin' de la Green Zone.

Mais ce mock up de Reff SQ pourrait bien changer ça aussi.

All my previous attempts at rendering Bilou's rabit failed, partly because I couldn't come with a convincing white fur gradient. But in October, Reff_SQ came with a Dofus mock up that caught my eyes, as these sheeps are close enough to the 'goats' I plan to use in Bilou's Peaks Zone.

So let's have a first look at the colors picked here. mostly around hue 45° with highlights at 54° and shades starting at 35°.


this is the right place for quickstuff