Sunday, March 01, 2015

Floating ... design notes.

N'ayant pas trop le temps de squatter mon ordi, très sollicité par les vaisselles, je gribouille mes pensées dans un carnet jaune. Comment ajuster le fonctionnement des power-up dans "School Rush" pour améliorer la prise en main par les joueurs ?

I have the setup to generate pseudo-random item when stunning a pendat. I took some time this week-end to think about what were the barriers to the adoptions of these power-ups are. It make me re-consider the pause and animation when Super Mario gains powers. To be reliable, it's important that the player can keep track of whether he has the power-up or not ... which was so far an abstract counter. I think it could also be important that one finds, in-game, a "free" power-up, whithout having to stun a pendat -- especially given that stunning pendats with bladors is quite difficult. Being able to have hint on what pendat will release could help, too ... Although it would require much work to reverse the monster engineering.

Et tant que j'y suis, même genre de notes pour la mise en place des générations de power-ups. Là, j'ai quelque-chose de correct pour la perte de power-ups (on les voit quitter Bilou et tomber dans le bas de l'écran).

And for the fun, I used a similar sunshiny hour last week-end to select the way power-ups are released, and how they interfere with Bilou's behaviour. The current trigger to start floating is now a double-tap on the "JUMP" button. This may not be mis-interpreted as a bounce-to-be on an eraser, a monster or whatever. And this remains ergonomic enough.

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