Friday, July 20, 2012


Utiliser SEDS n'était déjà pas très facile pour un gaucher ... LEDS et AnimEDS, c'est encore pire. Or, mon frangin et mon filieul sont gauchers et clairement intéressés à faire leur propres petites maps...

si ça, c'est pas un tout-doux-il-t'aime, alors il n'y en a aucun sur ce blog :P

How sort of a godfather would I have been if I couldn't hear the crying voice of a little left-handed boy who's willing to draw maps with LEDS but struggle to use the current controls ...

So let's do a first try and allow swapping of L and R trigger buttons that should already help a lot. I'll need to meet a left-handed again to check whether keeping map navigation with R+DPAD sounds like a good idea or whether I should also swap DPAD and ABXY...

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