Je n'ai pas eu autant de commentaires que j'espérais sur Pixelation, mais ça m'a quand-même suffisamment motivé pour retravailler l'animation de l'encre dans le train, en revenant de Zurich, peaufiner les bouquins et faire une version un peu décente de mon éponge ainsi qu'un lifting pour Dumblador, le taille-crayon grognon. Par contre, je persiste et signe: ce sera une école "rétro" avec le matos des années septantes (voire antérieur), encriers, tampons, éponges molles et jaunes plutôt que stylo-bille et "brosses pour tableau". C'est ça l'esprit de la school zone depuis '94, et tant pis si certains trouvent que "ça fait bizarre, les nuages jaunes" :P
I remember of Pixelation being more reactive when I was working on the green zone graphics. I guess that's the recent datacenter failure combined with the lack of on-board zoom feature that makes the board itself less attractive to artists. Anyway, having some feedback motivated me enough to keep improving books, ink, spongebop, and even dig for (2006) unpublished pixels of Dumblador and revamp them. Hope you enjoy it. At least, I think I managed to be somehow close to my own design sketches.
this is the right place for quickstuff
The problem with those water tiles imo is that the peaks look like they slush forward then back again. instead try to make them move—one should fall into the next to create the illusion that each peak is sliding across the screen. that breaks the obvious tiling.
ReplyDeleteAlso once that's nailed down, I think you could really make the animation a lot subtler—and a lot slower. maybe it shouldn't have those kind of wavey peaks at all. when I think about ink or oil vs water I imagine it being all goopy and sticky rather than pure liquid. even closer to a tar pit kind of thing.
as for the sponges, the 197X school setting is clever but the problem is that people just won't really get it. it doesn't fit in with the modern image of a classroom and people won't naturally think that way at all. can you replace them with more modern chalkboard brushes? i do think they could totally work as maybe a sub-boss or something but as a regular common enemy it makes people question.
The lines of the circles in the binders are really weird.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a limited palette?
I think it would work better if you re-used a least one color from the books in the background.
The colours aren't very harmonious right now.
Maybe try to make the waves in the ink more like hills than spikes, since it's more like the liquid is slowly moving than actual waves.