Un peu de rangements dans le living, ce week-end. Je suis retombé sur deux petits croquis préliminaires de "Bop L'éponge" qui doivent dater plus ou moins du déménagement. Du coup, je les ai rajouté au post initial du 21 février. L'occasion de se faire une rétrospective de la section level(/game/monster) design ?
Ce qui est sûr, c'est que ce sera plus fun que le coup des messages d'horreur ou du débugging de mikmod :P
was busy tidying up the living-room this last week-end (new fairy's desktop is here, shelves had to move to give it more room. And while moving stacks of sheets, i located a couple of preliminary drawings for "sponge bop". I'd say they're likely to date back from march when i was moving in our new house.
Well, anyway, i just added them to the 21th february's last post. Maybe it could be a good reason for reviewing the "level/game/monster design" section of the blog ? Well, i guess it will be funnier than those last post about C++ Horror Messages or deep-debugging of the libmikmod.
this is the right place for quickstuff
Ah .. c'est sur, c'est plus marrand à regarder )