Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Demo: Scorpeye, Apple, Water and Sand

A new demo appeared. At last, my checklist is complete (and sure, there are still many more things to write for a next list). The demo is still based on the "three rooms". Don't expect much more land to explore. I still have a few concepts to prove before I can do that.

Enfin direz vous, et je ne vous contredirai pas. Voici la nouvelle démo de mes travaux en cours sur Bilou's Dreamland. Toujours limitée à 3 salles à peine de 2x2 écrans qui servent pour expérimenter les nouvelles mécaniques sans passer trop de temps à courir jusqu'à la nouvelle fonction à tester. Mais pour la première fois, vous allez pouvoir nager, affronter les sables mouvants, lancer des carapaces. Et puis il y a toujours le rodéo d'éponge et le saut en encrier. Allez, quoi. Sortez votre linker et faites-vous plaisir :)

Compared to the previous demo, you can try

  • the new appleman animations
  • the collapsing platform (pyramid)
  • the scorpeye shell (jump on the scorpeye, then grab it like you'd do with a blador)
  • flowing sand, pushing you down the slopes
  • improved swim mechanics, waterflow
tested on NDS Lite, desmume 0.9.11 and desmume 0.9.6

Feel like playing a real game ? Try my previous titles ;)


  1. shown it to 314 people. 23 interacted, 6 liked/boosted, 2 clicked the link, 1 started following you.

  2. @twitter: you realise how pointless and toxic those analytics are, don't you ?


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