Well, it was also the opportunity to try dsgametools with the latest devkitpro. And it was pretty disturbing. At first, you now have to install a package manager first before you install what you need. It could have been done with a custom apt-get setup but they opted for pacman with a binary package you have to pre-install from their github. Not really the way I believe open source should work ...
Pour bien démarrer le développement homebrew, que ce soit sur NDS ou GBA, une seule addresse: devkitpro.org. La procédure d'installation a pas mal bougé depuis la dernière fois, par contre. L'équipe de Wintermute est passé à un dépôt pacman (pour "PACket MANager", hein. Toute ressemblance avec une pizza au citron n'est que clin d'oeil de geek), avec la nécessité de télécharger leur version binaire de pacman (pourtant un outil fréquent dans les distributions linux) avant de continuer.
Les utilisateurs windows auront peut-être une expérience plus proche de leurs habitudes avec l'installateur .exe ... Un peu déboussolant pour un vieux briscard de sourceforge, mais j'ai fini par en venir à bout et mon laptop tournant un ubuntu bionic LTS 2018 est maintenant prêt à me râler dessus vu que les réglages par défaut de g++ 8 n'ont pas grand-chose à voir avec ce à quoi mon code était habitué.
I'll keep the new error messages and improved warnings of g++ 8.1.0 for another post. Here, I missed some headers or other stuff to rebuild everything
- errno definition for dswifi ... that is likely an old one. manually installing sgIP_errno.h apparently fixed things. I'd prefer to get the sources of current dswifi to ensure everything is fine. Hope I'll find them.
- load_bin,load_bin_size as well as bootstub_bin, bootstub_bin_size (for nds_loader_arm9, used in runME and self-upgrade features) are missing. Iirc, they should be built from .bin files ... They are still in libppp9/data ... I'll have to find out why they were not processed.
- there's a weird warning about __sync_synchronize() which is invoked when I have a static object. I have a workaround, but I really wonder why they introduced that in newlib...
well, at least their own pacman build gets installed in /opt/devkitpro/pacman, so it isn't as weird as I initially thought.
ReplyDeletemissing files from bootstub.bin comes from a wrong PATH (things like ndstools and bin2s are now in /opt/devkitpro/tools/bin)
ReplyDeletesgIP_Config is no longer needed. All the errno codes are listed in the standard errno.h.
ReplyDeletethey may have to change their-own-pacman when changing core URLs, apparently.