Wednesday, March 07, 2018

libgeds tutorial

I have just started a github with one branch of the dsgametools project: the 'tutorials' branch, where I'm reconstructing and detailing step by step the components of the (refactored) game engine... together with Creative-Commons pictures and sounds to make demos on a regular basis.

Additional chatting and promotion of the tutorials happen in gbatemp and e-magination forums.

Cette fois-ci ça y est. J'ai transféré la branche "un tutoriel après l'autre" sur github. Pour que chacun puisse facilement suivre ma tentative de réécrire le moteur des jeux Bilou. Histoire que les différentes fonctions disponibles soient capturées clairement, et non pas éparpillées sur une demi-douzaine de patches.

On verra bien si ça intéresse du monde...

the mercurial-to-git conversion is performed by the fast-export tool from Frej. The process looks as follows:

cd hg2git/
cd dsgametools-hg/
# hg incoming -r $(hg id -b)
hg pull -r $(hg id -b)
cd ../tutorials-git/
../fast-export/ -r ../dsgametools-hg
# git log
# git push --dry-run
git push
cd ..

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this is the right place for quickstuff