Tuesday, December 12, 2017

branches, reviews and cannelloni

The idea is hanging around. It has been for some times, now. Possibly since I re-started exporting code to e-book readers through Doxygen, or since I tried to use apple assault as a tutorial to libgeds. I'd like to go for some in-depth review of my engine code. I'd like to use powers of code versioning system to slice code into readable, purpose-supported chunks, which would help the reader which components bring what feature and how they interact together.

Plus les choses avancent, et plus j'ai envie de pouvoir proposer quelque-chose de plus didactique pour encourager d'autres amateurs de développement de jeu à s'essayer à la plate-forme NintendoDS. Pour ça, il me faudrait pas mal de réorganisation du code, et (idéalement) une branche mercurial qui approcherait les techniques nécessaires une par une, mieux documentées et testables. Et là, maintenant, c'est parti.

But now, I started it. I've got a "bare minimum" DS application with corresponding library code (mine or 3rd-party), and its build system.
[done] found the source of Noda's EFs tool again.
[done] have it built as part of the dsgametools host-tools binaries, buildroot-style.

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