Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Voilà un des schémas que Doxygen peut produire si je le mets en mode UML (ce qui est sympa, parce que du coup, je peux comprendre les flèches) pour une des classes de mon éditeur de niveaux. Je peux limiter le nombre de "champs" pour chaque catégorie (histoire de garder la taille des boîtes sous contrôle), mais malheureusement pas la profondeur d'exploration. Résultat, le graphe devient vite immense, inutilisable.

When I come back to some code I've been writing long time ago (hey, the project is 10+ years old, now, remember?), I usually take some time with my cybook to study the code through doxyge-rendered documents and sketch in UML what is meaningful for the feature I want to add/change. So it would make sense to have doxygen do some UML for me, wouldn't it ?

Well, doxygen indeed has an UML_LOOK setting that turns available as soon as you declare to have the "dot" graph tool from graphviz package on your (linux) system. Neat. It also has -- took me some time to find them -- settings to reduce the amount of classes that are explored, and the amount of items that are reported for each class.

This is all quite nice, but I'm afraid it will not work nicely with cybook viewing. Whatever I do, the collaboration graph remains very large, both in pixels (and I'm unsure the cybook could pan in a bigger image) and in bytes (10x bigger than doxygen's defaults -- which had only inheritance graph, I admit).

Non configurable ? vraiment ? Voyons, et DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES, alors ? et DOT_GRAPH_MAX_DEPTH ?

Eh bien ils font plutôt du bon travail, mais je reste avec près de 3Mo de fichiers .svg pour LEDS, contre 500Ko de .png quand je reste aux graphes de base. Pour la lecture sur tablette, je crois que je préfère ne pas prendre le risque.

What would the perfect feature set be ?
- having the inspected class at the center of the diagram
- be able to specify a canvas size, instead of a maximum amount of nodes
- don't say "and ## more items" when you drop some items
- have a separate "depth" setting for inheritance and for structure/composition
- only show "meaningful" methods/fields of surrounding classes
- still show when a class has relationships with multiple classes of the graph
- don't show "obvious" common ancestors (e.g. the Widget class for all the widgets)
- don't show "obvious" type of data that everyone uses (e.g. std::vector) as a compound.

But let's be pragmatic: this is not the job of a heuristic filter: this is the job of an interactive exploring program. Sure I wish such an interactive tool could be running on my e-ink device, but this is not part of Cybook's business plans, unfortunately. And it is unclear that this could be achieved solely through e-pub documents structure. (would more require an HTML5 canvas or dynamic SVG + JavaScript)

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