Thursday, March 24, 2016

Bon pour le son!

Ok les gars: accrochez-vous bien à vos baskets, voici toutes les captures animées dont mon frangin aura besoin pour me faire la "palette sonore" de School Rush, ré-appliquant le procédé qu'il a mis au point avec Lazy Cow pour son jeu "PowerGlove" récompensé au concours de RGCD.

I tried several ways to get the right sound effects for Bilou: School Rush, and I ended up with the following observation: it must be tested both against the background soundtrack and against the in-game timing (and possibly the look) of the action. On the other hand, I'm not convinced that "playing" it is actually needed. So, following the advice of my brother, I captured an avalanche of animated gifs to be used as basis.

On va dire que ça compte comme "release d'anniversaire", mais j'espère avoir pour le courant des vacances de Pâques une release stable avec un vrai menu de sélection du niveau de difficulté.

Given the real-life interference of the last days (Brussels attacks seems to have damaged my laundry machine), this will be my birthday-gift-to-the-Internet for this year... but I now have all the pictures I wanted to implement the "difficulty selection" bottom screen, and I should have that built somewhere next week.

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