Tuesday, October 06, 2015

pixel art waterfall

I will need something that shows where all that ink comes from, and build a story about getting the School Zone a dry place again. It is not so easy to come with pixel art liquid flow, but I know from a while that iSohei did a great job drawing some. In my case, the narrow and straight flow is possibly the best choice.

The flow is rendered here by a highlight area in curvy and noisy v-shape that twists left to right as it moves down. The picture here shows the individual frames of the animation when vertical movement is canceled.

I could have that with a sprite shot from the top of the waterfall over some otherwise static ink area. I could shoot _two_ of them simultaneously, but that moves down at slightly different speed so that you get the illusion of a wave that widens as it falls down, too.
well ... now it's analyzed. Let's make it so.

Bon, j'ai fait une première tentative désastreuse pour animer une chute d'encre (indispensable pour le dernier niveau de School Rush). Puis une deuxième encore pire... alors je retourne chercher une référence de "Pixel art waterfall" pour voir ce que je peux faire. Le mieux, ce serait sans doute d'appliquer la même technique que iSohei pour sa troisième cascade: un sprite en forme de v qui se tortille en descendant. L'avantage c'est que je pourrai alors utiliser un vrai sprite et avoir une animation d'autant plus fluide.

Edit: coding attempt: having the falling wavelet 'rewind' to the top of the fall/pipe when reaching the ink is nice, but is not sufficient because 'the ink' is actually there only when the 'inkfall' is on-screen. Remember ? ink waves GOBs follow the camera.

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this is the right place for quickstuff