Monday, May 25, 2015

Pendats get dizzy

Première étape vers des crayons "plus autonomes": le compteur de désorientation est implémenté. N'ayant pas encore transféré l'animation "titube", j'ai repris celle où le crayon est éjecté (quand il cogne un mur, par exemple). Le résultat n'est vraiment pas celui attendu :-/

I wrote some gobscript to enforce a "dizziness counter" on pendats. They should be able to walk for 2 blocks after they turned back if they don't want to end up dizzy. But since I haven't transferred the animation itself to my PC, I used "stunned bounce" as a placeholder. The result is some very emergent behaviour, possibly due to some incoherence in body-boxes of the pendat.

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this is the right place for quickstuff