Saturday, December 13, 2014

Amélioration Spongebop ...

Je me suis amusé l'autre jour à imaginer comment les SpongeBops pourraient être plus interactives dans le jeu. Les faire flotter sur l'encre, bien sûr, mais aussi les transporter comme les dumbladors. Et pourquoi pas s'en servir également comme d'un "parapluie" contre les jets d'encre ?

So far, we can grab spongebops while they're swinging, and use them to reach higher places ... but that requires significant learning of the game mechanics. Dumbladors can be used to detach them but so far, it doesn't bring much difference. I wanted to add "carrying" and floating, which is now ongoing. I'd also love to make carried sponge a protection against falling ink droplets...
  • [done] pick up and throw spongebop
  • [done] spongebop floats on ink
  • [done] ink droplets stops on spongebop
  • [done] pendat turns back when walking into a spongebop.
  • [todo] floating makes spongebop move up and down
  • [done] stands on floating spongebop. Don't bounce.
  • [done] better physics when thrown
  • [done] Bilou stays hung when Spongebop is jammed.
  • [done] blador-like virtual walls to avoid Bilou holding the spongebop from far away.

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this is the right place for quickstuff