Friday, November 30, 2012
où est mon crayon ?
But all of sudden the little "pencils" and "wrenches" icons that let me edit the content easily got lost.
Hopefully enough, I'm not tool-less to investigate such annoyances. First, Firefox 10 comes with the ability to inspect elements: with just a right-click, I can open the inspector mode (Q) and explore the content of the web page much more efficiently than source exploration would have offered. it's a ... neat. It has display:none because of an obscure rule in 1937454905-widget_css_bundle.css ...
I guess I shouldn't have tried to enable "share post" buttons on a layout as custom as mine, but I did. Since the problem only occurs on one machine (and since it's not affecting anyone than myself), I can take local action: somewhere in $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*/chrome/, there's a file dubbed userContent.css that allows overriding of CSS properties at will. I can then say that
.item-control { display: inline !important; }
And that will show the icons back. Well, it's a bit extreme: it shows icons on any blogs, including thoses where I have no edition rights. And it might do other things on other webpages as well. I could have used a @document domain( to work that around, but unfortunately, G has also decided not so long ago that the webpage I'd visit would depend on the country I'm in. When visiting torino, I'd end up on in no time, with my rules (potentially) not applying anymore.
So I hope I can come back with a real explanation and a fix soon ... I'll have to live with that hack running in-between.
'nuf said. Back to dumblador throwing. I need to ensure we don't grab some when we're carrying some.
edit: all of sudden, I need to swap a bool in about:config to be able to use my userContent.css file ... oh well ...
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
En voiture!
Un nouveau "contrôleur" qui utilise directement les coordonnées de Bilou (après attachement) pour aligner le dumblador. Ça n'est pas encore aussi impeccable que je le souhaite, et on peut observer un léger décalage qui dépend de la vitesse de Bilou, comme avec les plate-formes de Zool. Il faut donc que j'aille jeter un oeil aux listes d'animation pour ajouter le support de ces bits "pending" pour arranger ça.
Puis j'irai chercher une technique de "costumes" à la Monkey Island pour que les mains de Bilou reste sous le Dumblador.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Landing bug, from the state machine
Since the introduction of 1st September release, I observed curious behaviours with Bilou landing. First, it could occur that Bilou looks "dislocated" just when landing, which would last for a few frames before he starts walking. That can be explained by the fact the OAMs the hardware uses have received new graphics, but still with the ordering (and layout) of the last frame. It "sticks" that way because the "walking" animation starts with a 'MOVE' command, which actually instructs the game engine to wait for the GOB to have accumulated sufficient amount of inertia to be able to "step" by 3 pixels to the right. This has been fixed just yesterday.
But there's another, harder to catch, subtle bug that hides in the "state machine" that controls Bilou, more precisely between "fall", "idle" and "walk" states. In those rare cases, Bilou lands in "walking" state although you're no longer pressing the DPAD in any direction. He keeps walking forward at a very slow rate (~1px/second), unless some block prevents him from doing so or you press some button on your DS.
There sure are curious things in that state machine, such as clearing the DPAD memory before entering idle state so that you force dpadController to generate an event for "getting pressed". I have the feeling that none of this remains useful now that I have "impact speed" variables that can offer a direct fall->walk transition.
It looks like the bug was in the momentum controller code, however: it would fail to decrease any speed below 8/256th of pixel per frame, and would generate no event for "reaching speed zero".
PS: the '90,000 views' bar has been hit this morning, according to Google, but I strongly doubt that it's true. Google is terribly sensitive to all those page-ranking cheaters that pretend they're referencing you just to attract your attention to their web domain.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Jongleries ...
Monday, November 19, 2012
Je veux dire, "un cas de figure qui ne dépende *que* de cette nouvelle fonction".
It would be easy to have feet "thrown away" when blador gets bopped on, but then, what should we do when the blador recovers? It magically rebuilds up wherever its feet are gone, like New Super Mario Bros' drybones ? I'd rather not.
Actually, I'd rather have feet attached to their blador although they have been thrown, and guided by a controller that pulls them back in place. The blador's body (the initial GOB) would then stay stunned until both feet have returned. Not only that sounds funny to do and play with, but it also means that the terrain surrounding the dumblador will affect how long it will stay stunned if you stomp it, and thus how tricky it is to grab it before it recovers. A nice interplay approach, imho.
Je m'étais amusé à imaginer Dumblador perdant ses pieds au moment où Bilou lui saute sur la tête ... eh bien, c'est exactement ce dont j'ai besoin. Les pieds deviennent des GOBs autonomes, mais restent "attachés" à leur Dumblador d'origine, ce qui permet de définir des contrôleurs qui les ramènent vers celui-ci. On verra par la suite si celà crée un gameplay intéressant, mais pour l'instant, ça semble un test prometteur.
- Le mécanisme "pending" qui garanti que l'objet auquel on fait référence a déjà été traité n'est pas encore complètement opérationnel.
- Lors de la génération des "tirs", ceux-ci sont assimilés aux objets passifs d'une collision alors que le "tireur" est l'objet actif.
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
C'est le tronc qui ment le moins.
Que se passe-t'il donc dans ce parc qui défie les lois de la physique ?
Eh bien, tout simplement, l'arbre a un feuillage suffisament large et dense pour faire de l'ombre à tout son tronc. Résultat, aucun éclairage direct pour lui. La lumière qui lui parvient est le résultat de la diffusion (tous azimuts) notamment par le sol. De plus, le tronc est rugueux, et pas lisse. Les rayons de lumières y sont eux aussi écartelés et n'auront donc pas de zones "highlights" comme le ferait une surface plus lisse.
Bien sûr, dans son jeu vidéo, on est libre de choisir les conditions d'éclairage de son arbre, tout en veillant à ce qu'elles soient cohérentes avec celles des objets alentours. Et si jamais on décide de faire un arbre au tronc assombri, il reste un élément qui peut lui donner du volume: la distortion des motifs. Ici, l'écorce de l'arbre s'est craquelée en une sorte d'entrelac de lianes sur un fond plus rougeâtre en vieillissant. Globalement, l'écart entre deux "lianes" est le même partout, mais on l'observe plus serré sur les bords qu'au centre.
Voilà. Dessinez bien, moi je vais tenter de rattraper mon retard de sommeil.
Monday, November 05, 2012
throwing bladors
De temps en temps, ça fait du bien de retourner à une "liste de choses à faire" pour s'assurer que le projet avance effectivment. Bon, des "todo lists", vous devez tout doucement commencer à en avoir une indigestion, mais je parle ici de quelque-chose qui s'approche plus d'un "planning" que des micros-tâches à effectuer sur un temps de midi. Mon dernier planning datait de mi-juin ... voyons où on en est... tous les éléments "du bas" ont été satisfaits, à grand renfort de mises à jour de SEDS et AnimEDS. Je vais donc pouvoir cet hiver attaquer sérieusement les nouveaux types d'interactions entre personnages: assomer, attraper, balancer.
On dirait que les mois à venir vont être durs, chez les Dumbladors.
- [done] looping move should only be generated for looping animations
- [done] initial Mx,y statement should be ignored by the game engine (actually, everything that delays the rendering of the first frame of the animation should be skipped). That will partly solve the "landing bug".
- [todo] most of blador's debugging could have been avoided if we had the state-initialisation expression feature implemented.
- [done] not detaching an attached GOB when "throwing" it may have weird effects, but I would have liked the display list to be re-ordered so that such side-effects wouldn't have systematically occured.