Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dumblador coming slowly

Jusqu'à 81% d'interruption de service chez voo ce week-end, en ce qui me concerne ... on ne peut pas dire que ça aide le télétravail, ni le développement sur Bilou, mais j'ai quand-même pu progresser un rien sur dumblador, premier personnage à utiliser l'animation composite dans le jeu.
On est encore loin du compte, celà dit: il est invisible, pour l'instant.

Oh well, dumblador is now present on the level. Immobile and Invisible, but present. TODO:
  • [done]make sure console output goes on the bottom screen when playing
  • [done] restore InspectorWidget's output (it's done in AppleAssault, afaik).
  • focus on the dumblador gob rather than on Bilou to figure out what's going on
  • [done] Make dumblador interactive
  • [done] make dumblador appear!

It looks like no oam has been set up (or even allocated) by the system on CompoundGob initialization. Needs further investigation ...

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