Saturday, January 22, 2011

FileWindow et SpriteTable

Je pense qu'on peut dire que le développement de mon éditeur d'animation a (enfin ?) commencé. Je me base sur le code du Sprite Editor, ce qui simplifie deux ou trois choses, mais amène aussi son lot de surprise...

J'avais plus ou moins oublié que la table des sprites qui apparaît sur la droite de l'éditeur dans SEDS est un objet "partagé" entre les différentes fenêtres, affiché par la "méta-fenêtre" qui a tout construit, notamment.

A small screenshot to illustrate that I've really started working on the animation editor. Reusing the sprite editor as a basis helps sometimes, but it also brings in some surprises. I had to refresh my memory on how the SpriteTable widget is generated and displayed by MetaWindow, while GridWindow, AnimWindow and FileWindow can manipulate it only because the MetaWindow passes a reference to that widget to their constructors. The widget accepts several listeners to be attached to it -- which is rather unusual -- and an "enabled" field in all those SpriteListenerInterfaces tells who actively reacts to an operation. release() and restore() methods of the different window enable() and disable() those listeners accordingly to achieve the desired effect.

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