J'ai un peu pataugé pour trouver le soucis (de nouveau lié au changement que j'ai introduis il y a une ou deux semaines), entre autres parce que je cherchais au mauvais endroit. La dernière fois qu'une telle chose s'était produite, c'est le "StopController" qui ne vérifiait pas que Bilou ne rentrait pas dans les murs. Mais cette fois-ci, rien.
Himmel! Just after I fixed the land-and-got-stuck case I mentioned last week, I got a phone call from GuiEngine, asking me to find out who smashed Bilou into a wall up to the point that he became definitely stuck! Once again, I suspected a side-effect of the new way events are managed, and investigated collision checks in StopperController who were involved in similar cases a while ago.
J'ai finalement repris les choses à la base, avec la fonction "pas à pas" de l'InspectorWidget -- maintenant totalement rétabli, pour me rendre compte tout d'abord que c'était bien pendant que Bilou marche qu'il heurtait les murs, mais aussi que le problème ne venait pas d'un signal
mal traité, mais du fait que les contrôleurs (en l'occurence la gestion de l'inertie) générait des EVENT
à tort et à travers, court-circuitant certains tests.But the stopper was innocent this time. I was sneaking on the wrong guy. I was walking down dark, cobble streets, under pouring rain with hope that one of my contacts would sing me a clue... in vain.
I sat down and opted for another strategy, reviewed the facts and the pictures shot by Inspector Widget one after the other, and the truth at last appeared to me in a flash: Bilou was walking when he got embossed into the wall. It turned clear that DDD had lied to me and that he should be paid another visit. "You asked me about FAILures!", he said crawling on the ground, "I told you all I knew about them !..." - "You did", I replied, "and still you knew there was more to tell. Where can I find DPAD and Momentum ? They're hinding since the start of this case!". Panting and flickering, it didn't take long for DDD to sing after I pointed my breakpoint at him. Before the end of the hour, I had Momentum tied on the back seats of a car: he'd never forge fake speed limit reports again.
I like the programming novel style. Start of a new genre? IMNSHO, you are now compelled to give us more in future posts!
ReplyDelete@cyril: ouaip. c'est clair que je le recaserai.