Pour ça, je compte sur le bouton "R" pour passer du mode "édition précise" au mode "brouillon" et sur un nouveau système de "pull down window", c.a.d. des fenêtres qui deviennent actives (et visible sur l'écran tactile) tant que le Dpad est maintenu dans une direction donnée. Ceux qui ont joué à Zelda: Phantom Hourglass voient de quoi je parle.
I'm resuming work on the level editor. It's been so long that i need to draw UML diagrams again to figure out the relationship between the classes, and so on. As you can see on the figure, there are quite a lot of things i want to alter on the UI, most of them relying on a newly introduced trick to have "pull" windows (that is, windows that only remain active on the touch screen as long as you hold the DPAD in the direction that invoked them.
- [done] clean-up user-interaction
- [done] layer visibility, "grid magnetism", etc.
- [done] block-copy mode
- [wish] pattern-fill mode
- [todo] map cropping
- [todo] tile-swapping tool.
- [need] fix that dprint() macro !
- [done] .cmd parsing and monsters edition
- [wish] radar for moving around
- [done] status report out of the playground.
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