Je vous annonce donc que mon dernier post sur la gestion des collision a été traduit avant-hier en attendant que les collègues de Bâle arrivent à la réunion, et que je lance un petit sondage pour savoir ce que vous préférez:
- "notify through a dedicated post" : faire un petit post de 3 lignes disant "machin a été traduit"
- "notify in the next post" : la prochaine fois que j'ai quelque-chose d'intéressant à dire, j'en profite pour mentionner les dernières traductions disponibles
- "i can read both languages" : ça ne vous tracasse pas: quelque soit la langue d'origine du post, vous savez le lire.
- "i don't care" (p.ex. vous n'êtes pas abonné au flux RSS)
Still, i admit that this might be annoying for people following this blog through a RSS, who might be notified of the appearance of a post they cannot read and miss the notification that the post have been translated. Does it happen to you ? Does it prevent you from enjoying the wonderful (:roll eyes:) of this blog ? The poll is yours, let yourself heard.
Of course, if you have the feeling (looking at the pictures, tags, etc.) that you'd like to read a post but can't read French, feel free to request a translation through the comments.
By the way, a couple of tags that you might find handy below:
- "english" = the post is available at least in English, usually both in English or French
- "translate me" = the post is available in French, and requires a good deal of work to produce a high-quality English post. I'll do that later during a week-end.
- "traduis-moi" = the reverse situation: i wrote a big blurp in English and wish i had the time to translate it in French ... when i'll have the time to do so.
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