Thursday, August 09, 2007

Milestones for BilouDS

Hours spent in the bus between Austrian mountains, this was more than i needed to explore the future road of implementing Bilou platformer on the NintendoDS. Piece after piece, the jigsaw'd big picture is forming in my mind, combining properties edited through the sprite editor, things defined via C++ code and commands given through scripts (most likely given life through a WiFi connection).

I'm drawing inspiration from "Another World" setup, from my past experience with Clicker and WASP and from the PC Game Maker ...

Eh bien, ça en a fait, des heures de bus dans les montagnes Autrichiennes. Bien plus qu'il ne m'en fallait pour explorer les possibilités d'implémentation du jeu de plateformes 'Bilou' sur la DS. Pièce par pièce, le puzzle prend forme, combinant des éléments définis graphiquement dans le Sprite Editor, des éléments écrits en C++ et des commandes fournies à travers un script (transmis par Wifi). Je m'inspire du développement d'Another World, du Game Maker que j'ai utilisé sur PC et de mes expériences avec Clicker et WASP.
Je reparlerai de chaque points plus tard, mais au moins, comme ça, je ne perdrai plus la trame globale.
  • [next] record animations in SEDS: most of the "states" for sprites and character will be ruled by animations and we do not want to deal with that at code level.
  • [done] support WiFi scripting of the game scene: (up)load sprite tables, level maps, etc. and position objects from a remote keyboard ^_^
  • [ongoing] define hot-points and collision areas in SEDS
  • [done] provide basic game engine: state-machine processing, gravity, object-to-background collisions, etc.
  • [done] upload behaviour scripts via WiFi, including compilation and processing of transition rules.

I will likely come with more detailed motivation on each point ... but at least i won't have to try drawing the roadmap again and again ^_^

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