Saturday, December 31, 2005

Amiga (t.a.g.)

 Uh ? Oh yeah. So I have a tag for Commodore Amiga stuffs despites

  • never having used more than an Amiga joystick back then
  • still not having an Amiga and not planning to hunt for one
  • having used very little Amiga emulation because finding kickstart ROMs again is a pain.

Why so ? Because Amiga was the pinnacle of the crazindies era of game development in the 90's that bred titles from Alfred Chicken to Zool. Video games magazines that weren't PC-only were covered of screenshots of appealing games that were readily available on Amiga and might have a decent PC port in a hopefully not-so-distant future.

Because even 30 years later, I'm still amazed by the technology of the copper + blitter much more than I am by pixel shaders.

And because there was so much talented pixel artists in studios like the Bitmap Brothers!

Will there be Bilou on Amiga ? Well, with at most 32 colors plus extras, it isn't exactly the dream machine to do it. And there doesn't seem to be a wide amiga users base among Bilou followers either Bon, autant que vous le sachiez: l'Amiga (500) m'avait fait un gros effet à l'époque, et son approche hors du commun des graphisme continue à attirer mon attention. Cela étant, ça n'en fait pas la machine de rêve pour faire tourner un jeu Bilou, même si historiquement, ça avait sans doute fait partie du projet. Une chose est sûre: il y avait place pour un projet Clicker aussi sur Amiga et il est fort probable que si j'avais quitté le monde 8-bit par la porte Amiga plutôt que la porte 8086, je ferais partie de ces gens qui ajoutent régulièrement des modules à leur Amiga pour le maintenir à flot et écouter Nectarine avec.


  1. and it looks like not many of my followers ever owned/have used an Amiga

  2. while dual playfield do exists, it is not the only way to go. PowerGlove reloaded had 1 playfield with 32 colors, blob updates to move characters and shots around while hardware sprites use copper to create a parallax layer.


this is the right place for quickstuff