Monday, September 30, 2013

Pendat ready [zero day]

it's marching, it turns back. That's roughly all. I need to fix collision boxes, testpoint coordinates, make sure throwing a blador can stun them, etc.
Yes, you're right, I should be delivering you a .nds of that new level. Let's see how long it will be overdue :P

Desired state for the release:
  • [done] The five monsters being present: Spongebop, Inkjet, Dumblador, Pendat and RectoVerso;
  • [done] Monster behaviour is complete: it hurts you when you step in, it can be defeated unless it is planned to be invulnerable, it doesn't stop moving for some coder-could-guess reason;
  • [done] Level is WYSIWYG: no trailing "invisible walls", no endless fall to some out-of-screen no-man's-land nor structures you go through although the same was solid just two screen before;
  • [done] Hazards hurt: ink, pencils; Bonuses can be collected;
  • [done] transition (at least a pause) when Bilou dies, so that player may analyze and improve;
  • [done] bonus to guide player into perilous fall;
  • [done] use (B) to pickup/throw bladors;
  • [done] can't ride spongebop/inkjet when carrying a blador. 
  • [ongoing] Some incentive to improve your exploration and play the level again.
  • Coherent soundscape.

Le jour J est arrivé. Le .nds pas. Le pendat marche et fait demi-tour, celà dit, mais c'est à peu près tout. Il faut que je lui règle ses boîtes de collision, ses testpoints, faire en sorte qu'on puisse l'assomer avec les taille-crayons, etc. Bref, le mieux que je peux vous proposer c'est de faire le tri entre ce qui mérite qu'on retarde la sortie du jeu-anniversaire (liste ci-dessus) et ce qui peut attendre une autre release (liste ci-dessous).

Allowed to miss in the release:
  • some sound effects;
  • [wish] power ups; 
  • throwing bladors mid-air
  • [wish] sparkles, dust clouds, broken bits and other visual feedbacks;
  • [ongoing] dedicated stunned animation for some monsters;
  • [done] perfect alignment of Bilou when inkjet prepares for a throw;
  • [wish] push-able inkjets;
  • level 2;
  • [done] fix for spongebop-out-of-screen bug; 
  • [wish] reloading the whole level when you die.
  • [done] ability to look down what is available;
  • [done] clean display of Bilou's hand when holding a blador;
  • [done] Clean RUN mechanics.
  • [done] spongebop's coordinate reference for circular movement is the center of the character (same for the pin), not the top-left corner.

1 comment:

this is the right place for quickstuff