Friday, December 28, 2012

XMAS School Demo.

Here's the new demo. I hope I'll be able to add some screenshots and stuff, but my Internet access is currently down. I've managed to fix the memory corruption problems that prevented to reload the level when Bilou "dies", so here you go.

Voilà enfin la démo promise. Bilou se promène dans les nouveaux graphismes de l'école, il saute (A), assomme les dumbladors, puis les ramasse, les transporte et les lance plus loin (bas). Une erreur de gestion de mémoire m'a obligé à rallonger la phase de debugging. Pour ne rien arranger, je me suis retrouvé sans connexion Internet pendant presque toute ma semaine de congés, du coup, c'est une release "en aveugle", goupillée à partir d'un .nds sur clé USB lors d'un passage-éclair pour reprendre du jus de fruits au bureau ^^".

Since it's a "blind release", I had no access to my todo list, so I couldn't remember I still had a bug with Dumblador recovering just on the left of walls. If you do that, it will remain stuck. (Fixed in

Press A to jump and stun bladors, then press "DOWN" to grab them and "DOWN" again to throw them in the direction you're facing.

START enters the pause/debug mode, which you leave by pressing L+START.

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this is the right place for quickstuff